About Us

Welcome to Feed Africa Programme Limited (FAP)

Our Story

Feed Africa Programme is a limited liability company incorporated under the company’s Act of Uganda, 2012. It was started in 2007 by three shareholders originally as a tree planting enterprise but later expanded into an agribusiness company.

Over the years, the company went ahead to register a micro credit service to farmers to expand and build their agricultural capital. Our headquarters are found in the Kampala Metropolitan region, on Mabirizi complex. Another branch was opened in Mubende to buy and sell farm produce to the districts of the Greater Mubende region; its headquarters being in Mubende Municipality, Kigagga Zone.  It has been a big success for all participating farmers and has seen continued improvement.


Our vision

To strengthen communities, build assets, and improve lives in economically distressed areas of the Greater Mubende (Mubende, Mityana, Kassanda, and Kakumiro districts) by providing access to high-quality financial products and related services.


To be a community development financial institution that: provides substantial financial services to several low-wealthy people and communities with resources needed to achieve a better quality of life that is financially self-sufficient and sustainable.


  • To offer agricultural extension services that boost the quality and quantity of agriculture produce especially through training farmers on post-harvest handling techniques
  • To off-take all the agriculture produce that meet the quality for exports that is standard allowed by East African Community (EAC) of below 10% aflatoxins
  • To economically empower women, youth and the vulnerable group through providing them with affordable micro-credit
  • To enhance the economic development of all stake-holders.
  • To generate 4000 Employment Opportunities to women and the young people
  • To ease accessibility to agriculture finance/loans by all farmers at an affordable interest rate of 3% per month on reducing balance method
  • To enhance food security and nutrition of the population, with emphasis on the most vulnerable.

Core values

Three core values undergird FAP work. We adhere to these values without regard to circumstantial or environmental changes. They define our corporate identity. Our dedication to these values must be evident in our products, services, and operations:

Equal Access to Economic Opportunity

Our work should reflect a commitment to fair and equal access to the economic opportunities that life has to offer.


The people and communities we serve have a right to expect excellence, and we have a responsibility to provide it. A commitment to excellence is a statement of respect for our customers, funders, investors, board of directors and each other.

Bridge Builder

Recognizing both the limitations of our own human and financial resources and the necessity of broad support to address the development needs that face distressed people and communities, FAP will seek to support partners and to engage, attract and influence the support of others to achieve our mission.